Some errands like going to the Post Office or the bank must be handled during work hours. 一些琐事,比如去邮局或去银行,这些事必须要在工作时间才能去做。
You need to consider the hours the bank is open and accessibility to ATM's after hours. 你要考虑的时间银行是一个开放的,方便的ATM的经过数小时。
The email set off shockwaves through the bank and he was quickly recalled to face 13 hours of interviews with UBS and its lawyers. 这封邮件震动了瑞银上上下下。很快,他就被召去,接受了瑞银及其律师们长达13个小时的问询。
You cannot get money out of the bank after banking hours. 在银行营业时间过后,你不能从银行取钱了。
The order that central bank cadres across China should study and implement the campaign was transmitted less than 24 hours later. 要求全国各地的央行干部学习和贯彻这场运动的命令在不到24小时后就已传达到位。
Today, a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less. 而如今,由世界银行帮助建立的一站式边境哨所使递交时间减少两个小时或更多。
The system failure disappointed thousands of would-be ticket buyers, many of whom had queued for hours from the early morning at the 1,001 branches of the Bank of China authorised to offer over-the-counter sales. 系统故障令许许多多的有意购票者感到失望,许多人从一大早开始,在1001个被授权直接售票的中国银行(BankofCHina)网点前排队等候了几个小时。
Cash machines at one bank went down for a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon-prompting speculation that some people may be stocking up on reserves of cash in case the situation deteriorates. 周二下午,一所银行的取款机停止工作了数小时。可以据此推测,人们为了防止情况恶化而增加了手头的现金存量。
When conducting performance reviews, the Bank of Montreal no longer rewards managers for working interminable hours. 在进行工作表现评估时,蒙特利尔银行就不再褒奖那些没完没了玩命工作的经理们。
This gives them less time to go to the bank, the post office, or deal with any company or government office that keeps regular business hours. 这就使他们去银行、邮局、公司或政府部分这些按规定时间办公的地方办事的时间减少了。
Aerial images provide vital information to Bank Haiti assessment team, cut preparation time from weeks to36 hours. 航拍图像可为世行海地地震损失评估工作组提供重要信息,使得准备时间从数周缩短为36小时。
Two masked men held the bank clerks at gunpoint for three hours. 两个戴面具的持枪歹徒劫持银行职员达3个小时之久。
The bank was able to minimise its trading losses because it had a strategy for dealing with failure, while the retailer is now able to operate its stores for up to 40 hours without connections to its central systems. 这家银行使交易损失最小化了,因为它有处理故障的策略。零售商现在则能在和中央系统断开连接的情况下,经营旗下门店长达40个小时。
He mercurialized the bank robbery only two hours before committing it. 他突发其想地抢银行,只在行抢前的两个小时而已。
Shortly after the Israeli raid began, Palestinian militants responded with kidnappings, snatching at least nine foreigners in the Gaza Strip and the West bank, though most were released unharmed after a few hours. 以军袭击开始后不久,巴勒斯坦好战分子在加沙地带和西岸地区至少绑架、挟持9名外国人质,尽管其中大部分人几小时后被毫发无伤地被释放了。
Bank bar trades: cost rate is high, need bank site, need waits, time is restricted by bank working hours. 银行柜台交易:费率高,需要到银行网点,需要等候,时间受到银行工作时间限制。
What are the bank's hours? 那家银行什么时间营业?
As a result, the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank will provide its customers with full-oriented, multi-function, high-quality service of 24 hours. 最终使浦东发展银行客户服务中心能为客户提供全方位、多功能、高质量的24小时服务;